Friday, November 12, 2010


Directed by: Tom McGrath
Cast: (voices of) Will Ferrell, Tina Fey, Jonah Hill, David Cross, Brad Pitt
Running Time: 1 hr 30 mins
Rating: PG
Release Date: November 5, 2010

PLOT: Megamind (Ferrell) grew up a villain, but when he finally takes out his arch-nemesis and overall good guy Metroman (Pitt), Megamind must figure out if he truly wants to be bad.

WHO’S IT FOR? The kids will like it because they will like anything. Actually, that could be true for the entire audience for this film, it’s basic entertainment. It’s a similar plot as Despicable Me, but a little bit better.

EXPECTATIONS: I really had none for this animated flick. I like superheroes, but for some reason this one wasn’t getting me too excited.

Will Ferrell as Megamind: At some point, haven’t we all called Ferrell “animated”? Seems like it would be the perfect fit. For the most part, it’s just a really solid fit. The voice works, there’s just not tons of material to work with here. In the beginning we get a flashback and see the upbringing on the future villain. It’s amusing and makes perfect sense to the little ones in the audience … if you get picked on, turn evil. Lesson learned. The thing that works best about the way this character looks is the sadness in the eyes. That could have been more of a focus, instead of the thing where Megamind mispronounces words. That got old real quick.
Score: 7

Tina Fey as Roxanne Ritchi: She’s our Lois Lane just like Metroman and Megamind are hybrids of Superman. I wish I had more to say here. There are tiny moments that feel very Liz Lemon (her character from “30 Rock”) and she’s serviceable in this film, just not very exciting. Plus, when she figures out the plot to Megamind’s super plan … she just does it by backing up. Does that make any sense at all?
Score: 6

Jonah Hill as Tighten: First he’s our Jimmy Olsen (yes, there are many things borrowed from Superman). Except he’s not exactly as sweet as Jimmy. He comes off as a creepy stalker to Roxanne. It’s never funny. Ever. It’s a character I immediately wanted less of, but instead, I got more. Megamind needs a new hero, and accidentally gets Tighten.
Score: 2

David Cross as Minion: I’m just not feeling it from Cross. I’m actually starting to realize the only time he’s made me laugh is in “Arrested Development.” Here, he’s the sidekick to Megamind. He’s a fish … I don’t know why. He’s under appreciated by Megamind, which also doesn’t serve much of a purpose.
Score: 5

Brad Pitt as Metroman: Oh, he’s really not in the film that much. I thought I was going to get a lot more back and forth between Megamind and Metroman. It really could have been anyone’s voice. Pitt doesn’t bring much to the table here. We see the city loves Metroman and in return he gets everything he could possibly want … or does he?
Score: 5

TALKING: Again, Megamind mispronouncing words is supposed to be funny. Again, the beginning is the most effective part when we get the back story. The middle really slows up with Megamind starting to fall for Roxanne. It’s suddenly a slow moving, kind of lazy, romantic comedy. I don’t remember laughing once during the middle hour of this film. That issue falls directly on the script.
Score: 4

SIGHTS: The film looks great in 3D. That’s pretty much standard for animated films these days. So, because it’s just the latest in a long line, and not first to break new ground … it’s not that memorable to look at. The final battle will definitely keep your attention.
Score: 7

SOUNDS: We’re all over the place and very obvious with the song selection. Didn’t Iron Man 2 just feature a bunch of AC/DC songs? Well, so does Megamind with “Back in Black” and “Highway to Hell.” There’s also room for “Welcome to the Jungle” and “Bad.” Plus there’s an obvious gag where Minion accidentally plays the wrong song.
Score: 4

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